
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Bhilwara was established in the year 1992 known as technology centre of the district. KVK is situated at Agarpura Chouraha, Suwana, Bhilwara which is 10 km far from district headquarter on Bhilwara – Kota National Highway. KVK has total 11.25 ha land, out of which area under crop is 4 ha, orchards in 3.5 ha, 0.75 ha land under demonstration unit and farm pond and remaining land is under building & road. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhilwara is an innovative first line science based transfer of technology project, functioning under the auspicious guidance of the ICAR, State Govt. of Rajasthan & Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur. KVK has been established for the transfer of latest & proven technologies in Agriculture & Allied fields in order to increase the productivity, potentials & to bridge the time lag between technologies generation at the research institutions & its transfer to the farmer’s fields. It aims to increase self employment, opportunities among farmers, farm women & rural youths. KVK functions on the collaborative participations of scientists, ext. workers & farmers by the approach of “seeing is believing” and “Learning by doing” to transfer Agricultural/Animal Husbandry, Horticulture & home science technologies to bridge the gap between production and productivity and to increase self employment opportunities. It offers skill and knowledge oriented trainings in multidisciplinary areas like crop production and plant protection, Horticulture, Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Home Science and Agricultural Engineering etc. The KVK is the light house of knowledge to the farming community of the district.

Head of Institute

District Profile

Bhilwara is situated between 25°.00' to 27°.50' North Latitude and 74°.03' to 75°.25' East Longitude

It is not on the record as how the name of Bhilwara was ascribed to the district Bhilwara.It came to be known as Bhilwara because it was mostly inhabited by Bhils in old days. These Bhils were eventually driven away towards the hilly tracts and interior places of less importance by the ancestors of the peasant settlers. Ironically enough ,now very few Bhils live in this area. Another version recounts that the present Bhilwara city had a mint where coins known as 'BHILADI' were minted and from this denomination was derived the name of the district. Over the years it has emerged out as the TEXTILE CITY of Rajasthan. Bhilwara district has made an important place for itself in the industrial map of the state. During the last decade the district has developed in to a leading place in the textile industry the in the country. There are 54 large and medium scale units with an investment of Rs. 8439.91crores approx employing about 20986 persons.

Bhilwara district has acquired place of prominence on textile map of the country. A total 10000 power looms have been established by 31st march 2006 with a production capacity of Synthetic fabric to a tune of 5 crore meters and having an investment of Rs. 492.19 crores providing employment to 20021 persons approximately.

Bhilwara is situated between 25°.00' to 27°.50' North Latitude and 74°.03' to 75°.25' East Longitude. It is 100 meters above the sea level. It is 260 km. away from Jaipur. Northern Border of the district touches district Ajmer, North-West Border touches district Rajsamand, South & South-East Border touches district Chittorgarh and East & East-North Border touches district Bundi & Tonk. The total length of the district from west to east is 144 km. while the breadth from North to south is 104 km approximately.

Recent News

International yoga day, Soil day, Food day, PMFBY, Pre seasonal, SAC Meeting

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra celebrate and conduct awareness programme on International Yoga day (21st June), World food day (16th October), World soil day celebration (5th December) during each year. Also conduct two preseasonal training programme, SAC meeting and other awareness programme for farmers, Farm women and Rural youth during every year.

Contact Us : Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Directorate Of Extension Education, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Dist - Bhilwara - 313 001 (Rajasthan) INDIA